When it comes to sales, closing is a vital part of the process. It is typically the main goal of any sales rep.
Closing means that a sale is about to be made. The operative word there is “about” because the step of closing still requires a little bit of action. Closing is when your customers are on the brink of buying. The ball is still in their court and you have to say the right things or else all of your efforts prior will have been for nothing.
So that brings the question: what should you say when you’re closing a deal?
Well, there is no magic word that is going to manage to close every single deal. Each customer is different and in the market to buy a product for a different reason. This is when closing techniques can come into play. Solid closing techniques can help you find out the right thing to say and when to say it!
Here are 11 killer closing techniques that can help you close your deals!

1. Visualization Close
Sometimes the best way to get to people is through visuals. Some studies show that people process visuals faster than text. Visualization allows your customer to see what they are purchasing and makes them understand what exactly they are putting their money towards.
If you can have the physical product there or an example, that is great. Take the time to explain it to them and incorporate how it can be used to help with their needs. For those times that you can’t always show them something, try setting the scene and describing it to them. Using strong visuals can also help you reach your customers more emotionally
Example: I want you to imagine yourself with this product. Try to imagine how it looks and feels to have this product. Think about using it and how this product helps you for the better. So what do you say? Are you ready to make that vision come true?

2. Assumptive Close
There are times when a customer has completed every step of the sales process [LINK] but there is just something holding them back from completing the deal. Using an assumptive close when they are still a tad bit hesitant is one way that could help nudge them to make a decision.
The assumptive close essentially assumes that the deal is already made. Sales reps will negotiate in a way that makes it seem like the client has already said yes. This type of closing doesn’t really allow the customer to sit and think about the offer for too long. While on one hand, this means that they can’t think of objections to the deal, this form of closing could also push them to leave the deal completely.
It isn’t advisable to use this form of closing when you are trying to make a decision for them that isn’t yours to make. It also isn’t wise to use this tactic if you know that you aren’t able to offer them everything they want, or if you know that they are looking at other competitors.
Example: I’m glad that you are interested! When would be a good time for the installation to begin?

3. Summary Close
The summary close is a classic tactic for almost any sales rep. You can think of it like a lawyer reiterating all of their points in their closing argument. Or even a teacher summarizing a lesson for the day. With the summary close, you essentially go back over your products or features. Bonus points if you go back over details that specifically help solve some of their problems.
A summary close is a great way to help your prospects visualize the entire deal and all that you have to offer. Make sure to stress the value that you have to offer and the benefits that come with working with you.
Example: So with our smart home devices, you can control the lights throughout your house, check your security cameras even when you aren’t home, control door locks, and even change the thermostat. We even have 24/7 assistance in case anything goes wrong or stops working properly.

4. Sharp Angle Close
Sometimes prospects will come in hot and heavy knowing exactly what they want and what they are willing to pay. It isn’t entirely uncommon to run into a prospect who will try to negotiate for price reductions or specific additions and inclusions. A sharp angle close is where you agree to their terms, but you put a deadline on the offer.
Before jumping in and giving them whatever they demand, make sure that you have the proper clearance and go-ahead from your sales manager or whoever you report to. This closing technique might even come as a surprise to your prospect if they aren’t expecting you to agree.
Example: If I can guarantee that, would you be willing to sign this contract today?

5. Soft Close
A key part of the soft close technique is where the prospects think that they are marking a decision based on their thinking when in reality, they have kind of been directed a certain way. This tactic is where you ask for the sale without coming across as pushy or demanding.
Some prospects don’t appreciate the rush that sometimes comes with a hard close or they feel like they get backed into a corner. A soft close is more gentle and a little bit more personal in the transaction.
Example: If I can find a way to help you get both the home theater and security system within your budget, would you be happy to proceed?

6. Question Close
Asking questions and listening to your prospects’ concerns can help you discover their objections and then come up with a solution. If you ask the right questions, your prospect may desire to make a purchase.
The question close is one way to get to know your prospect and their needs while still maintaining efforts to close a sale. You even have the opportunity to close the sale in the form of a question.
Example: Would you say that this product and our services solve some of your problems?

7. Empathy Close
Sometimes the best way to connect with a prospect is through emotions. Emotions are often what drive people to purchase things in the first place. Feelings like security, love, desire and even well-being are powerful emotions that you and your sales reps should pay close attention to.
The Empathy Closing approach allows you to comprehend your prospect’s predicament by using emotion. Change your end goal of “selling a product” to instead “providing a solution.” This sales tactic will demonstrate to them that you care about them as individuals and are not only here to sell your product.
Prospect: I’m not too sure if I’m ready to make that decision yet. Is it okay if I think about it over the weekend and get back to you?
Sales rep: Of course! I completely understand that you need the time to think this all over. It is a big decision so take the weekend and I’ll touch base with you next week to check in. How does that sound?

8. Take Away Close
At this point, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that psychology plays an important role in sales. Many of these techniques play upon that idea and this Take Away close is no different.
It’s in our nature to not like having things we like taken away from us, even if we don’t technically own them. I mean just take a look at kids who have their favorite toy taken away. Or even when restaurants get rid of your favorite menu item. The Take Away close applies this principle in efforts to push a sale.
With the Take Away close, you essentially offer and out for the whole deal in hopes that the prospect will continue. You should only do this when you are confident in your product and you know that the prospects will be convinced. Sometimes this tactic can come across as a little aggressive so don’t use this tactic on prospects who shouldn’t be rushed.
Example: I know that you are feeling a little apprehensive about moving forward, and I would offer you another deal if there was one better than what I’m already offering. If you’re not ready to commit, I completely understand. I know I only have you for a few more minutes of your time, and if I can’t help you make this decision by then, then we can reconnect at a later date when you are ready.

9. Now or Never Close
The Now or Never Close is a hard closing technique that typically plays on a deal or a special that is going on. This technique creates a sense of urgency and plays upon the fear of missing out on the deal. Having the benefit or incentive increases the value of the offer and typically doesn’t come across as too pushy.
Example: If you sign up today, you qualify for our special offer of 20% off your entire purchase. But you have to act fast. This offer is only good until the end of the day.

10. Puppy Dog Close
If you know your prospect loves the product but they still just aren’t making that purchase, perhaps you should try the Puppy Dog Close. This technique allows for the potential customer to take the product for a test run before officially closing the deal. They are then able to see just how beneficial the product is instead of just hearing about it.
This technique comes from the idea that people won’t really take a puppy back to the store after a few days, especially if they fell in love with the puppy. The Puppy Dog Close lets people take your product (a.k.a the puppy) home and hopefully fall in love with it.
Of course, this type of close isn’t for everyone nor is it for every business. This type of technique is a trust-and-confidence closing that shows that you 1) trust the prospect and 2) are confident in the product.
Example: How about we set you up with trying this product for a few weeks? That way you can get the feel for it without the commitment and you can just send it back to us if you don’t like it. Are you up for trying out our product?

11. The Needs Close
While people sometimes shop for wants, they always have to shop for needs. The Needs Close plays upon fulfilling your prospects’ needs by offering your product as a solution. Of course, to do this you have to be aware of your prospects’ needs.
Try to find out your prospects’ needs as soon as possible so that you can find a product of yours that best fits what they are in the market for. When talking with potential customers, list out what they expressed as their needs and then pull in how your product can help them with those concerns. The more needs you satisfy, the better chance you have at closing a sale.
Example: So you are in the market for a tool that can help you keep your house secure, control your thermostat, remotely lock your doors, and provide video surveillance. Is that correct? Well, that’s perfect. This product can do all of that and so much more!
Sales techniques can be a powerful tool when used properly. You have to take the time to figure out which tactic works best for each customer. You wouldn’t want to use a hard close on someone who wouldn’t is simply looking around at different products. On the opposite side of the spectrum, using a soft close on some prospects might make it seem like you don’t care enough about them. Take the time to get to know your prospects and come up with plans that can help benefit them and your business at the same time.
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